As per discussions held with PSPCL Management, Punjab Govt Pay scales cannot be implemented in PSPCL, Hence BOD has approved constitution of WFC for finalisation of scales of PSPCL.
Core group of PSEBEA has decided that no member will fill any FORM till Pay Scales are finalised by WFC of PSPCL.
Today CMD PSPCL called the delegation of PSEBEA at Chandigarh regarding grant of start scale of 18030 to AEs.
CMD conveyed the concern of Hon'ble CM regarding ongoing agitation. It was assured that issue of the grant of start scale of 18030 to asst engineers will be resolved positively within next 15 days.
Keeping in view the appeal of Hon'ble CM Punjab and assurance of CMD PSPCL and in interest of the consumers of the State and in anticipation of positive outcome reg start scale issue, it has been decided to postpone the agitation upto 9/7/21.
All engineers will not switch off their official mobile phones, official WhatsApp groups may be joined, work to rule in thermal plants stands postponed.
Further decision regarding agitation program will be taken on 9/7/21.