Haryana proposes merger of two Discoms

Submitted by admin on Thu, 04/08/2016 - 2:43pm

CHANDIGARH : Haryana Government has given in principal approval to merge Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN).

According to official document power scenario has undergone a huge change since inception of two company’s way back in 1998 and a dynamic region has emerged around Delhi which consumes 40% power of the stateFor maintain the optimum level of service transmission, sub transmission and distribution infra structure requires coordinated growth. For the even growth of power sector there needs to be uniformity in procurement, man power planning and monitoring of commercial interests. Moreover difficulties arise in number of cases as two Discoms follow different policies sometime and create administrative

To improve the working of power sector it has been found that a single entity will be more efficient organization in tune with the present day requirements. The Haryana government has accorded its approval to proposal of single entity in principal.

A committee of Chief Engineers of both Discoms will work out the implication of merger of cadres of two companies in one company. A reputed financial consultant will work out the various formalities to complete the merger in consultation with company secretaries of Discoms.The reports of these committees will be discussed by the Additional Chief secretary Power on august 8.
